Building Intercultural Competences: Local Debate in North Macedonia

On 15th February Sfera International has conducted the online workshop “Building intercultural competencies”.

The workshop started with an ice breaker, and then continued on to a presentation about the project BIC, the Erasmus + programme, continuing with covering the topics of Intercultural communication, an interactive activity on Cultural shock, continuing with presenting the phases of cultural shock and advises on how to overcome cultural shock. There was a fruitful discussion with all the participants, and we would like to thank everyone who joined our event! Hope to see you on our future events!

Building Intercultural Competences (Local event in North Macedonia)
Building Intercultural Competences (Local event in North Macedonia)

The official page of the event on Facebook (in North Macedonian):

The event is part of the project “Building Intercultural Competences: Sharing Good Practices” (Building Intercultural Competences) which is an ERASMUS+ project Strategic Partnership