PUA – Porta unica d’accesso

Name of the organization: Servizio Immigrazione con welfare d’accesso dell’Ambito Territoriale Sociale di Galatina
Website: www.ambitozonagalatina.it

Brief description of the organization

It is a free service that, in addition to offering access to the welfare and health services to foreign citizens, promotes social integration thanks to linguistic and cultural mediation activities, legal consultancy, counselling, and information. It offers access to the welfare and health services of the territory; provides support in filling up the forms required to obtain or renew the residence permit; sends applications for the request for citizenship; online registration for the Italian test for foreigners); the gathering of electricity and gas bonus applications; gathering of maternity cheque applications; legal consultancy and dealing with bureaucratic practices; front office and out-door intercultural mediation; working assistance linked with employment agencies of the territory; information about training courses and language courses, linked with school and association of the territory.

Problem addressed by the good practice

PUA – Porta unica d’accesso helps migrants to solve problems referred to the inscription to the free socio-sanitary service.

Target groups

The service is addressed to EU and non-EU citizens presented in its territory and in addition to the Italian citizens, the operators, the volunteers of its territory and the employers, every age they refer.

Summary of the good practice

The PUA Immigration Service aims, in collaboration with the CF (Consultori Familiari), also in consideration of the health objectives of woman migrants, to inform and guarantee foreign citizens access to the National Health Service with any mandatory and/or voluntary registration, as well as the release of the STP or ENI codes. With the new programming, the PUA Operational Protocol has been renewed with the ASL in the key insertion of the Single Booking Center (CUP) function, for which there is a structured offer signed by the Director of the District of Galatina where the PUA Immigration Service together with the Social Secretariat PUA manage the health requests of foreign citizens; Creation of a single area-based information system for the collection, transmission, data processing and shared management of users’ social and health records in correlation with the regional social information system and to feed the national flows dedicated to services of the municipalities.

The Immigration Service with access welfare will constitute the first territorial level of access to social assistance services and to the integrated network of social and health services, supported by this informatic system which works creating the so-called computerized social folder aimed at satisfying immediate requests made by the user.


PUA is a system under construction, since the fact it started 8 years ago. Being so difficult problems it is better to wait a scale of 10 years to evaluate the working of the system.


PUA recommends in the future years to have better communication above all with the sanity services to help migrants.


More information about PUA – Porta unica d’accesso is available on the organization’s website and on Facebook.

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