In the framework of the project we had planned to organise two piloting sessions, aiming to gather together young people and to discuss and test together techniques and approaches for building intercultural competences. We really wished to these to be held face-to-face, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to adjust.
So, as everyone else – we went online. The event took place on 11th December on Zoom platform. Young people from all countries involved in the project have joined us.
The session began with a brief introduction of the project, its purpose and foreseen activities, followed by an introduction of each participant. Besides the regular things (name, and location), Boyka (the moderator) invited them to share where do they feel really “at home”. We had a lot of interesting inputs and found out that for many of us the perception of “home” can be a place, we are not necessarily born and raised in. And some of us have several homes. Next, the participants were invited to share their thoughts on what intercultural communication mean to them – and we got a very beautiful wordcloud as a result 🙂

The next step of the event programme included a brief quiz, so each participants could check how familiar is with the perceptions and traditions in other cultures. It turned out that among the participants there were some experts, but still – we all have learned new for us facts (for instance – in which country 4 is an unlucky number and why)
We had a lot of fun during the First Piloting Session and received a very positive feedback from the participants, and we are really looking forward to the next events.
Stay tuned and join us 🙂
Building Intercultural Competences: Sharing Good Practices (BIC) is supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
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