Empower » Change

Name of the organization: Academia Cidadã
Website: academiacidada.org

Brief description of the organization

The Citizenship Academy’s main goal is to boost active citizenship and the construction of development roots with principles of social, economic and environmental sustainability. The team’s ambition is to empower people and organizations in the exercise of deepening democracy. Educational, communicative and artistic activities are the organization’s areas of intervention. Non-formal education and participative and active research are the team’s methodologies.

Problem addressed by the good practice

Pressing issues mark the present days and it is very important to know what they are about and how can everyone contributes to solving them. Academia Cidadã knows that there are a lot of people that have good ideas and realize what gaps there are in society.

Target groups

The target group is young people, students and other interested citizens in taking part in projects that want to improve democratic society

Summary of the good practice

The main goal of the workshop “Empower » Change” was to empower citizens to take more action in the defence and exercise of their rights and democratic values and to be more conscious about what is happening in society. This workshop is also a fun way to open young people’s eyes and make them look at ‘problems’ in a more positive way. Therefore, this workshop aims to introduce Academia Cidadã and possibly to recruit active citizens.


Empower » Change was successful in the means that the citizens felt more empowered about their own cultures and democratic values, being more inclusive in their society.


Youth organizations should always take into consideration the positive effect raising awareness for the power of the citizens has in the intercultural competences and improving behaviours of a society.


More information about the workshop is available on the organization’s website.

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