Documentating Words

Name of the organization: Associação SPIN

Brief description of the organization

Spin Association for the Exchange, Training and Cooperation among Peoples is a non-profit organisation of national scope, whose fundamental objectives are to promote and defend the intercultural dialogue, human rights, equal opportunities, solidarity and social inclusion. The main tool, the team uses to achieve its fundamental objectives is the implementation of international mobility projects. Born from the common will of a group of people with experience in the management of international projects in the field of training, volunteering and cooperation, Spin Association supports interculturality and active citizenship.

Problem addressed by the good practice

The youth exchange Documentating Words gives an opportunity to the participants to be part of a cinematographic project whose result was a documentary on the theme of languages and their relationship with culture.

During the exchange, the participants were part of the technical team of the documentary to be produced, under the guidance of a director.

Target groups

The young exchange targetted 30 young people from six countries (Bulgaria, Slovenia, Estonia, Greece, Italy and Portugal).

Summary of the good practice

Documentating Words was a Youth Exchange from 23 to 30 September 2011, Lisbon was the setting for international youth exchange, promoted by the Spin Association, which encouraged intercultural dialogue, using video as the main tool


The participants highly evaluated the workshops, debates, street interviews, “confessional” moments, intercultural nights and a lot of cinema were some of the activities included in the program.


The team recommends to other youth organization using tools such as digital, information or video, because they are great to promote intercultural dialogue.


More information is available on the organization’s website.

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