Bilateral Youth Cooperation Offices

Name of the organization: Youth Alliance – Krusevo

Brief description of the organization

Youth Alliance – Krusevo is an independent, non-governmental, non-political, and non-profit organization founded in 1999. Its members (70-80 persons) are young people between 15 and 35 who work, study, or express their interest in the process of EU integration of North Macedonia. Youth Alliance – Krusevo is run by young people for young people, enabling a great experience for all of its stakeholders.

Problem addressed by the good practice

The bilateral political problem between North Macedonia and Greece is reflected in the bilateral cooperation among the young people from both countries.

Target groups

The target group is youth people, aged 16-29.

Summary of the good practice

Bilateral Youth Cooperation Offices is a project, that envisions and gives a unique opportunity to build up an institutional mechanism for bringing young people from North Macedonia and Greece together and allowing them to collaborate by getting to know each other. The goal of the project is to establish, enable, and foster cooperation among young people from North Macedonia and Greece by creating a bilateral youth cooperation office in both countries. Having that in mind, the initiative gives clear objectives on achieving this goal, and mainly incorporating the experience of Youth Alliance – Krusevo and the good examples and experiences of similar initiatives around Europe.

Furthermore, the project has a high impact on the reconciliation process built into the Prespa agreement. The formula for success is bringing as many young people from both countries together, to break stereotypes and hinder the political manipulation of young people.

However, to achieve this goal, Youth Alliance – Krusevo has to gather wider support and engage with young people and relevant political stakeholders to jointly establish the permanent Bilateral Youth Office between North Macedonia and Greece.


The project is based on the long-term initiative “Contacts for the Common Future” that started as an initiative “Let’s meet our neighbor”! After 10 years of active work in the field, Youth Alliance – Krusevo has managed to be a facilitator of the process for creation inter-governmental bodies for youth cooperation between the two countries – North Macedonia and Greece.


The Youth Alliance – Krusevo’s recommendations is Take a risk!


More information is availble on the Youth Alliance – Krusevo’s website

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