Cime di Rapa

Name of the organization: Agenzia Formativa Ulisse

Brief description of the organization

Agenzia di Formazione Ulisse was founded in 2005, at the hands of some voluntary associations, UNPLI (National Union Pro Loco of Italy).

It is an Accredited Agency in the Puglia Region, Department of Training, and has as its objective the promotion of quality training courses involving companies and local authorities.

Problem addressed by the good practice

Cime di Rapa addresses the difficulty in the participation of migrants in the whole training phase, because of displacements of migrants on the Italian territory due to the reception system.

Target groups

The target group is 18 migrants over the age of 18.

Summary of the good practice

Agenzia Formativa Ulisse implements “Cime di Rapa” Food Truck Project, supported by the CON IL SUD Foundation as part of the 2017 Immigration Initiative. The project was born in the province of Lecce in May 2018 and lasts 36 months. It is divided into two main steps. In the first period of activity (from May 2018 to July 2019) 18 adult immigrants were selected, among the approximately 300 guests of the reception facilities managed by the local partnership subjects. The immigrants attended a course for the release of the qualification of ‘technician of cooking’ and the qualifications for the trade and administration of food and drinks.

Among the trainees, 6 of them were selected to be involved (second period – from July 2019 to April 2021) in the establishment of a social cooperative (Cime di Rapa) through an accompanying phase to the work which ended with the subscription of six employment contracts. The cooperative’s mission will be to specialize in “street food” through the use of two “food trucks” (purchased within the project), which allow trainees to distribute the products prepared at fairs, events, and shows. Particular attention in the creation of the menus will be reserved for the use and enhancement of local products to recreate the ‘flavors’ of the lands of origin of the immigrants.


Street food is now a major player in contemporary catering and production companies are growingly offering traditional foods, revisited in a modern way and with an ethnic reference, for walking or quality takeaways. But in addition to a custom phenomenon, street food can become a means of promoting social integration and generating work. The project aims to encourage the integration and economic emancipation of the immigrants involved. At the same time, “street food” will help reduce cultural distances between the peoples involved by promoting the social integration of immigrants. Finally, the professionalism acquired by the participants and the subsequent economic actions put in place (self-financing of the activity, crowdfunding, and participatory financing) will allow reproducing the experience in other contexts generating new jobs.


At this time, the goal is to create other jobs and bring “Cime di Rapa” out of the province of Lecce, giving rise to other realities of “Cime di Rapa” street food in Puglia and then in other Italian regions.


More information is available on the project website.

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