
Name of the organization: Eurac Research
Website: www.eurac.edu

Brief description of the organization

Eurac Research addresses the greatest challenges facing us in the future: people need health, energy, well-functioning political and social systems and an intact environment. These are complex questions, and Eurac Research is seeking the answers in the interaction between many different disciplines. In doing so, their research work embraces three major themes: regions fit for living in, diversity as a life-enhancing feature, a healthy society.​

Problem addressed by the good practice

Problem area is the education of children on diversity.

Target groups

The target group is children aged 8-14.

Summary of the good practice

The Diversity4Kids project uses playful and narrative methods (stories, oral stories) as tools with which to bring children closer to values ​​and interests different from their own, stimulate an attitude of mutual openness from them and accompany them in the rediscovery of themselves.

The goal of Diversity4Kids is to encourage coexistence in the classes with the aim of preparing the new generations to live in a pluralistic society.


In the Diversity4Kids project, children between 8 and 14 years of age confronted each other on intercultural differences in order to understand and experience the advantages that diversity generates. They were able to learn by playing to recognize and overcome xenophobic and discriminatory prejudices and attitudes


The good practices can be transferred in other regions and countries. It is advisable to work with small groups of children.


More information is available on the project website.

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